"This speaks to the notion that the point of gerrymandering isn't to draw yourself a safe seat but to put your opponents in safe seats by cramming all of their supporters into a small number of districts."
This quote speaks about the idea of gerrymandering. Republican and democratic parties ( more so republican) are corrupting the system by drawing voting districts to favor their party. Although they are allowing the other party a guaranteed seat by drawing them small districts full of democratic voters, they are giving themselves an advantage. The party that is gerrymandering draws a larger district for themselves, however this district always benefits them, whether its full of republican voters or leaving out people that cant vote (such as felons) they are guaranteeing themselves a a spot in the house.
Gerrymandering is an ongoing problem. It allows representatives to choose what districts they want depriving voters, and the opponent of a fair vote. In turn denying the voters, and representatives a true representation of districts.
I agree, its all about money and power