Friday, February 20, 2015

Reflection Paper Two - What is America?

What he has no right to do is to laugh at it as incomprehensible, and then criticize it as if he comprehended it.

Chesterton is trying to explain how people should react about the unknown. He gives example of odd traditions or ways of other cultures (at least odd to the outsiders). In this quote he is explaining how it is a completely normal human reaction to laugh at something that is unknown to us. However, we can’t criticize the unknown if we don’t understand it. What is normal to us may not be normal to others. There are different norms in different cultures.

I believe that overall Chesterton's quote speaks on how uncomfortable the unknown makes people. Which is ironic in a way. Considering America is supposed to be based on the unknown, mixed with every culture being about to carry out their traditions, un-judged. America is supposed to be land of the free , and yet the Constitution dictates what is allowed. Meaning that you are allowed to believe what you want as long as it falls within what the Constitution deems appropriate. So Even though people are indeed allowed to think and believe what they want , they are hesitant to.  They are afraid to be judged, or punished for thinking differently. Both socially and legally.

I think this article applies to the class very much. In the class we explore the government system, and how its evolved over the centuries. One thing that I believe has yet to evolve is the biases that people hold, and how that bias can impact the government. Mainly through the workers of the government. For example, if a senator is a white man, raised as a Christian and a republican, it will be hard for him to relate to a woman Muslim. Although he is supposed to work for the interest of the people. His beliefs may have an impact on the decisions he makes, whether he means them to or not. He may not understand the importance of this woman’s cultures or what she may believe is right. Hence “criticize it as if he comprehended it”.


  1. I agree, our society needs to be informed about the differences in people and the different walks of life we all come from. Personally, I don't feel us as part of the human race should judge them if they don't stand on certain issues. That's what makes society unique. Choices..Then we all can reason.,Educate is key because judging without facts is ignorance.

  2. I strongly agree with your statement, sometimes I feel like technology makes people less conservative, which cause people to not opens door to meeting someone new and understanding new things.
